Adding a Journey Step



Steps represent the 'pages' that a customer passes through in the e-commerce flow. These steps can include Sign Up, Category, Confirmation and Details, Payment Details, Subscription Terms, and Cancellation.

The look and feel of these steps can be determined in the e-Commerce template assigned to the page. For additional information on e-Commerce pages, view the articles Templates, and E-Commerce Page Concepts.

From the left hand navigation, Steps can be found under:

  • Subscribe > Journeys

  • Mouse over the journey you wish to view

  • Click on the Actions Button, then View

  • You can scroll down to the Steps section

Adding a Step

To add a step click the “Add Step” button in the header of the step section.

There are three different fields that need to be filled out. 

  • Number: This is a picklist that determines the order in which the steps will appear. 

  • Title: A name for the step needs to be filled in, either the same name as the Type, or a custom name to identify the step. This Step name will be displayed in the e-commerce flow navigation bar.

  • Type: Choose the type of step from the picklist options.

Once all fields are filled click the "Add" button.
