Creating a Product Bundle



When adding, or editing a product, fill out all fields from Priority through Name. Then choose Bundle for the Product Type. This selection will add additional components to the product. The bundle related components include Bundle Code, Billing Period, UOM, Price Option, and a Product Table to add multiple rate plans to.

Bundle Code, Billing Period, and UOM are not required fields.

Bundle Fields

Bundle Code

This field is for naming bundles to be tracked in the integrated billing system. This bundle code gets written at the rate plan level on the accounts, and into the API in the billing system.

Billing Period

For display purposes, a billing period can be written here and be pulled into the product HTML to display on the product tile.

UOM (unit of measure)

For display purposes, a unit of measure can be written here and be pulled into the product HTML to display on the product tile.

Price Option

The two choices for Price Options are Bundled Price or Sum of Charges. Bundled Price allows for the prices to be changed in the product table to override the rate plan charges on the accounts in the billing system. Sum of Charges locks the prices that are pulled from the billing system in the product table so they cannot be overridden.

Product Table

To add product rate plans into the Product Table, click the +.

This will prompt the Add New Product pop-up. The Product field has a dropdown selection of all products within the billing system integrated with Peak. Select the product of your choice. The Product Rate Plan field has a dropdown selection of all the rate plans set up for this product in the billing system. After selecting options for both fields, click OK

This added the product and rate plan into the Product Table. By clicking the + again, more products and rate plans can be incorporated into this bundle.

Under Quantity, the number can be changed to account for the number of included units that come with this product.

Prices pulled from the billing system will display here. If Price Option is Bundled Price, then these prices can be manually changed in the textbox to overwrite the price. This price will be displayed in the checkout flow and will override the subscription charge on the account in the billing system.

Disable tax merely means "do not show tax" on the product tile in the E-commerce flow. Tax can still be charged on the product and shown in the order summary, but it will not be shown on the product tile.

The minus sign will remove that product and rate plan from the table and thus from the bundle.

Use portal price

This option is on both regular and bundled product pages. For bundled products, this custom written value is a display price for the bundled product as a whole. This price is for display purposes only and does not override the subscription charge on the account in the billing system.

Description and HTML

Description and Product HTML are not required fields, but they are recommended. Existing templates can be applied to the product from the dropdown list of templates already created in Product Templates. In the HTML, edits can be made to the template to modify it specifically for this product.

Once the bundled product is complete, click Add Product to add it into the segment.