User History
If multiple admins are working in and managing PeakCommerce, configurations can be changing without one's knowledge. In order to audit changes that have been made to a segment, PeakCommerce has implemented Login History, Audit Logs, and Acknowledgements.
To view the audit log for activity on a particular user:
Navigate to Users > All Users > select the user of choice > Actions > View
The Audit History can be found below the Login History.
The following fields of information are included in the audit logs list:
Column | Description |
Time | The date and time stamp from when the changes were made. |
Actor | The name of the admin user who made the change. |
IP Address | The IP address of the admin who made the change. |
Item | The element that was changed. For example: First Name, Last Name, Status. |
Type | The type of change that was made. For example: Created, Field Updated. |
Action | The actions that have been taken towards this user's information. It is displayed as From: (original value) and To: (new value) |
PeakCommerce supports the ability to utilize third-party systems for audit log purposes. For example, you can install code from Heap Analytics to see user clicks, movement and changes.