Partner Administrator Role



PeakCommerce for Zuora, All Editions


Global Administrator, System Administrator


If a large cohort of PeakCommerce end users are Partner Account Executives, and they need assistance in the portal, the Partner Administrator role provides admin capabilities to manage and oversee Partner Account Executive users, without access to the rest of the Global Admin platform.


Partner Administrator functions include:

View Partner Account Executive Users

Partner Admins can have access to either of the following realms of users in the users list:

  • Partner Account Exeuctive users that are created by or assigned to them in PeakCommerce

  • All Partner Account Executive users

Add New Partner Account Executives

Partner Administrators can add new users to the Partner Hub with a Partner Account Executive role.

When creating the user, the administrator can select the "Partner Admin" from a dropdown list that this user will be tied to if using the "Created Partner Account Executive" realm. Learn more about adding a new partner account executive.

Edit Partner Account Exeucutive Users

Partner Administrators can manage and edit the basic user information for Partner Account Executives. Learn more about editing a partner account executive.

Login as Partner Account Executive

Partner Administrators can log in as a Partner Account Executive to view what the Account Executive (end user) is able to see in their hub.

The login as a Partner Account Executive behavior also allows Partner Administrators to act on behalf of the Partner Account Executive.