Customer Search Permissions



Sales Reps, CSR's and Partner Account Executives who manage accounts through PeakCommerce now have the ability to use a search feature in replacement of loading all accounts automatically.

The Customer Search permission determines if the Customer Account Summary list is displayed in full or by search criteria. The Customer Account Summary list is found on the Account Executive and Partner Account Executive portals under the 'My Customers' tab on the left side navigation.

This permission is located under:

  • Users > Profiles > Edit Profile > My Customers > Customer Search


The Load Account Permission has three options:

  • None

  • Full

  • Threshold




No customers will be displayed in the Customer Account Summary list until a value is entered into the search field and the Search button is clicked.


All customer accounts will be queried, cached, and displayed.


This value determines whether all customer accounts are displayed or if the search feature would be required to return customer accounts which fit the search criteria. For threshold values less than or equal to the total number of customer accounts, no accounts will display until the search feature is executed. For threshold values greater than the total number of customer accounts, all accounts will be displayed upon opening the page.


Example #1: Permission is set to None

In order to display any customer account results, the search bar has to utilized in order to return customer account results fitting that criteria.

Example #2: Permission is set to Full

If an admin wants the Account Executive or Partner Account Executive profiles to load all of the customer accounts upon opening of the Customer Accounts page, the permission should be set to Full.

Example #3: Threshold is set to 100, 110 Accounts in Billing System

An Account Executive or Partner Account Executive is assigned a profile where the Load Accounts Permission is set to Threshold and a value of 100 is entered. Within the billing system linked to PeakCommerce, they have 110 customer accounts associated with their account and therefore, none of the accounts would load until the search feature is executed due to the threshold value being less than the number of customer accounts.

Example #4: Threshold is set to 100, 90 Accounts in Billing System

An Account Executive or Partner Account Executive a is assigned a profile where the Load Accounts Permission is set to Threshold and a value of 100 is entered. Within the billing system linked to PeakCommerce, they have 90 customer accounts associated with their account and therefore, all 90 accounts would load automatically due to the threshold value being greater than the number of customer accounts.