Self-Service Portal Page Naming


In the PeakCommerce portal, various UI elements such as buttons, titles, and error messages can be customized through renaming and translation.

To access and modify page titles, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to User Interface > UI Elements. There are two methods to locate the page titles:

    • Click Show All to display the full list of elements. Use the search function to find specific page names.

    • Alternatively, click the View Tree link under the text "Showing all textable UI elements under Element Path: Site (View Tree)." Then, expand Authorized Layout and Page Titles.

You can rename the following end-user pages:

  • My Account

  • My Subscriptions

  • My Cases

  • Customer Accounts

  • General Account Settings (My Profile page)

  • Add New Client

  • Signup New Subscription

  • Edit Subscription

  • Renew Subscription

  • Cancel Subscription

Changing these page names will also update the tab label displayed in the user's browser.