Importing Products into a Journey



A Journey must first be created manually before categories and products can be imported into them. When importing products into a segment, the import utility does not require the identification of a segment. Relationally, the product is associated with a category and a category is associated with a Segment. Please complete the steps below in order:

  1. Import Categories

  2. Import Products

  3. Import Sub-Products (if bundled rate-plans)

Note: Import and export files need to be in .xlsx format. 


To begin a category import in PeakCommerce, select Subscribe > Import/Export Categories. Click the Submit button in the Export section to download an import/export template. Remove the previous categories' information and update the following fields of information (in this order):

  • Id (Leave this column blank)

  • Segment Id (Each of your segments have an Id. Indicate which segment each category needs to be added to.)

  • Name

  • Priority

  • Layout (Leave this column blank)

Save the import template to your computer as a .xlxs file. On the Peak page click "Choose File", select this file, and click Submit. Check the number of successes/failures to make sure it was successful. 


To begin a product import in PeakCommerce, select Subscribe > Import/Export Products. Click the Submit button in the Export section to download an import/export template. Remove the previous products' information and update the following fields of information (in this order):

  • Id (Leave this column blank when importing NEW products)

  • Name

  • Product Rate Plan Id (See notes below for how to acquire. Only put this value for regular products; leave blank for bundles.)

  • HTML (If your import is unsuccessful it may be the result of the HTML. If this is the case, try leaving blank and adding HTML manually afterward)

  • Category Id

  • Priority

  • Description (Optional)

  • Currency

  • Billing Product Id (See notes below for how to acquire)

  • Product Type Id (REGULAR or BUNDLE)

  • Price Option Id (Leave blank for regular products, BUNDLED_PRICE or SUM_OF_CHARGES for bundled products)

  • UOM (Leave this column blank)

  • Billing period (Leave this column blank)

  • Use Portal Price (TRUE or FALSE)

  • Price (Enter Price only if overwriting the Zuora price with Use Portal Price. Otherwise leave blank and it will pull in the price from Zuora.)

  • Bundle code (Leave this column blank)

Save the import template to your computer as a .xlxs file. On the Peak page click "Choose File", select this file, and click Submit. Check the number of successes/failures to make sure it was successful.

Importing regular products is completed after this step. For bundled products, sub-products will need to be imported next to add multiple rate plans and prices to the products.

Mass Update Products

To mass update products via product import, the id column cannot be blank like for importing. It needs to be filled with the existing products' Peak id's. The easiest way to mass update products is to click the Submit button in the Export section to download an import/export template of all the existing products. KEEP the previous products' information and update the fields you wish to change (such as name, HTML, currency, etc.) 

Save the import template to your computer as a .xlsx file. On the Peak page click "Choose File", select this file, and click Submit. Check the number of successes/failures to make sure it was successful.


For bundled products, you need to import the rate plans separately. To begin a sub-product import in PeakCommerce, select Subscribe > Import/Export Sub-Products. Click the Submit button in the Export section to download an import/export template. Remove the previous products' information and update the following fields of information (in this order):

  • Id (Leave this blank)

  • Product Rate Plan ID (See notes below for how to acquire)

  • Quantity

  • Price (Of the rate plan charge)

  • Disable Tax (TRUE or FALSE) 

  • Product ID (The Id of Peak products set up in the Product Import step. This is to identify which product the rate plan should be bundled into.) 

Save the import template to your computer as a .xlxs file. On the Peak page click "Choose File", select this file, and click Submit. Check the number of successes/failures to make sure it was successful.

Additional Notes

How to obtain the Rate Plan ID from Zuora:

  1. In Zuora, go to Reporting > Data Sources

  2. For Data Source: select Product Rate Plan Charge

  3. Check the boxes for ID and Name

  4. For Field Product Rate Plan: fill out Name (text) = *type in Zuora rate plan name* (value)

  5. Export > Refresh > click the file link (it will open an excel document)

  6. Copy the rate plan id and paste it into the import template file

How to obtain the Product ID from Zuora:

  1. In Zuora, go to Product Catalog > select your Product

  2. Copy the URL after the last "=".

  3. Paste the product id into the import template file

You can also use data sources or data query to extract a full list of product ids from Zuora. For details on using data sources or data query, visit the Zuora knowledge center.