Stored Credential Profile



If the payment gateway mandates 3D Secure 2.0 and it's activated on Hosted Pages within Zuora, a Stored Credential Profile becomes necessary for new payment methods.

Related Zuora Knowledge-based articles:

PeakCommerce facilitates this requirement by enabling configuration and assignment of Stored Credential Profiles to PeakCommerce Hosted Pages, which may mirror Hosted Pages in Zuora. Since Hosted Pages are profile-specific, this setup allows for selective application based on customer groups.

This acknowledgment includes a mandatory checkbox and customizable text. For payment flows utilizing a PeakCommerce Hosted Page with this acknowledgment enabled, end users must agree to Stored Credential terms before adding or processing payments with new methods, with the checkbox displayed at the Hosted Page's bottom.


Below are the steps to configure the Stored Credential Profile checkbox:


  1. Go to Company Settings > Acknowledgments. Click "+ New Acknowledgment."

  2. Choose the Stored Credential acknowledgment type. Provide a Name (for internal use), customer-facing text for the checkbox, and an error message for missing entries (if desired).

Hosted Pages

  1. Navigate to Payments > Hosted Pages.

  2. Create a new Hosted Page using Zuora's Hosted Page setup and select a Stored Credential Acknowledgment from the dropdown.

Upon usage within PeakCommerce for tasks such as adding payment methods or checking out, this field will become mandatory.

Profile Configurations

Assign the Hosted Page to a Profile's Configurations so that any user or e-commerce page with this profile will utilize the Stored Credential checkbox, while those with a different Hosted Page won't.


Ultimately, end-user acknowledgments are tracked in PeakCommerce, and the Stored Credential profile is automatically established in Zuora.

You can monitor user acknowledgments by accessing the admin user list and selecting "View" for the respective user.