Add Payment Page Links to Zuora Invoice Emails


If utilizing PeakCommerce's Payment Pages feature, the links to the custom payment page URL's can be dynamically created and hyperlinked in Zuora's Invoice Templates.  Follow the steps below.

Billing Notifications

In Zuora admin, Navigate to the username dropdown > Billing > Setup Profiles, Notifications and Email Templates.

Invoice emails including the payment page hyperlink can be included on a number of notifications if they are active including but not limited to:

  • Invoice Posted Manually

  • Invoice Posted via API

  • Invoice Posted within a Bill Run of Auto-Post

  • Manual Email For Invoice

  • Invoices Past Due

Invoice Template

The email template that is used for the notifications listed above can be modified to include the payment page hyperlink. Click on the email template name. In the email body, add verbiage to indicate the customer can pay their invoice here. 

Example: For your convenience, you can pay your invoice here

Copy the external payment page URL that has been manually assembled using the instructions in the Payment Page article. It is easiest to paste the URL into the body of the email while working the merge fields before transferring the hyperlink into the linked text. 

Merge Fields

The following merge fields from the template can be used to replace customer-specific values in the URL.

Account Number: <DataSource.Account.AccountNumber>

Account Id: <DataSource.Account.Id>

CRM Account Id: <DataSource.Account.CrmId>

Bill To Contact Postal Code: <DataSource.BillToContact.PostalCode>

Invoice Number: <DataSource.Invoice.InvoiceNumber>


Sample URL using dynamic customer account number, dynamic customer crm id, and all invoices<DataSource.Account.AccountNumber>&crm=<DataSource.Account.CrmId>&inv=all

Sample URL using dynamic customer account id and one invoice<DataSource.Account.Id>&ino=<DataSource.Invoice.InvoiceNumber>

 Note: these specific URLs are not functional as the domain and page id are for demonstration purposes only.

Then highlight and cut the hand-made URL with the merge fields, highlight the desired test such as "here," click the chain link icon in the email body buttons, and paste the link in the URL field without the "https://"


To test the hyperlink in emails, navigate in Zuora to a recent open posted invoice. Click "Email Invoice" and enter your own email address. Check your inbox for the email. Click the hyperlinked text. If all of the necessary information is successfully passed in the URL then the external payment page will successfully open in a new window with all of the payment fields. If not all of the necessary information is passed in the URL, then the page will open and display a "Sorry, this page is unavailable" message.