Customizable Confirmation Page



In addition to PeakCommerce's standard simplistic confirmation page, there is now the option to use a more detailed confirmation page that can be customized. This Customizable Confirmation Page can be displayed in two ways:

  1. By Rate Plan Charge Types

  2. By Products

This feature can be used on New Order Journeys for e-Commerce or in-app experiences.


There are several new components in the PeakCommerce portal that relate to this Customizable Confirmation Page.

Confirmation Page Template

Navigate to Templates > All Templates > Confirmation Page Templates.

Here there are two templates that have already been created for a Charge Type display or Product display. These templates can be customized in the HTML to hide/show fields such as Sales Tax or descriptions, rename headers, or modify the design aspects.

Confirmation & Details Step

Navigate to Subscribe > Journeys > View the journey of choice > Steps > Confirmation and Details step > Edit.

There is now a field on this step to select the type of Confirmation Page.

If left on "Choose Existing Template" then PeakCommerce's standard confirmation page will be used. See a sample below.

If "Custom Confirmation Page By Charge Type" is selected, then the corresponding template will be used and the customer's purchases will be split out by Rate Plan Charges. See a sample below.

If "Custom Confirmation Page by Product" is selected, then the corresponding template will be used and the customer's purchases will be split out by Peak Products. See a sample below.


To provide more detail on the products or charges included in the checkout, Short and Long Descriptions can be added at the product level in PeakCommerce to Products or Rate Plan Charges.

Product Descriptions

Navigate To Subscribe > Journeys > View > Products > Edit.

At the bottom of the Product setup, there are Short Description and Long Description fields just above the Product HTML.

Short Description
This field supports free-form text with a limit of 255 characters. This description is for 'Regular' PeakCommerce-type products. It will display below the Product Name. This will NOT be displayed if using the 'Bundle' PeakCommerce type of products.

Long Description
This field supports free-form text and HTML. This description will be displayed in two places.

  1. In the Product Tile (if the Product HMTL allows).

  2. In the Custom Confirmation Page at the bottom of each Product's section for 'Regular' PeakCommerce type products.

Rate Plan Charge Descriptions

These are for products that are a bundle of rate plans. Navigate to Subscribe > Journeys > View > Products > Edit.

When a PeakCommerce Product Type is 'Bundle', then the Zuora Products and Rate Plans appear in a Product Table.

Click "Edit" at each rate plan line item under the Details column. This is where you can edit the Short Description and Long Description.

Short Description
This field supports free-form text with a limit of 255 characters. This field will display on the Custom Confirmation Page By Charge Type below the Rate Plan Charge Name.

Long Description
This field supports free-form text and HTML. This field will display on the Custom Confirmation Page By Charge Type at the bottom of each Charge Type section.

Additional ToS

Custom Terms of Service text or other information can be added to the footer of the Customizable Confirmation Page.

Navigate to Subscribe > Journeys > Edit > Configuration > General. First, check the Confirmation Box checkbox.

This will bring up an additional field below it for Confirmation HTML. Free-form text or HTML can be supported here.

Glossary of Tags

Below is a glossary of tags for PeakCommerce's Product and Charge Type related items included in the templates for this Customizable Confirmation Page. Additional tags can be found for Contact and Billing details. All tags begin with:


Charge Type Template




List of recurring annual charges


List of recurring monthly charges


List of one-time charges


List of usage charges


Short description of charges


Long description of charges


Quantity of charges


Name of charges


Currency of charge price


Price of charges


List of annual recurring charges to show in "Your initial charge" box


List of monthly recurring charges to show in "Your initial charge" box


List of one-time charges to show in "Your initial charge" box


List of usage charges to show in "Your initial charge" box


Tax to show in "Your initial charge" box


Total shown in "Your initial charge" box

Product Template




List of recurring annual products


List of recurring monthly products


List of one-time products


List of usage products


List of bundled products


Short description of product


Long description of product


Quantity of product


Name of product


Currency of product price


Price of product


List of products to show in "Your initial charge" box


Tax to show in "Your initial charge" box


Total shown in "Your initial charge" box