PeakCommerce Release 2023.02.R1


Welcome to the release notes for PeakCommerce Release 2023.02.R1. This article is a consolidated page of all release notes for the following PeakCommerce products:

- PeakCommerce for Zuora


Retention Segment Type

There is a new segment type known as a Retention Segment that can be used to replace the Cancellation flow for end customers. This segment has both subscription update and subscription cancellation capabilities. Customers can be presented with an offer to draw them into keeping their subscription, or they can continue to cancel. 

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Content Segment Step

For New Order, Change Order, Renewal Order, Cancel Order, and Retention segments, a new step type has been added to insert a page with custom HTML content into the checkout flow. 

Cancellation Template

PeakCommerce's out-of-the-box Cancellation flow is very cut and dry, which makes Sales Reps' lives easier when processing many orders. However, if you wish to embellish the cancellation flow more for customers, a template can be built and assigned to user profiles to customize the flow. 

Auto-Renewal Visibility and Opt-out

It is now possible to show if subscriptions have Auto-Renew enabled or not. If enabled, a customer can opt out of Auto-Renew. Opt-outs can submit a case to the integrated support system (Service Cloud, Zendesk, etc.) This is all done via the Subscription Home template. 

Quantity Picker to Support Bundled Rate Plans

A quantity picker can be used on a product tile for a rate plan that contains multiple per-unit charges, and the quantity chosen will adjust the quantity on all charges accordingly. 


Subscription Summary Improvements

For Partner Account Executives and Account Executives viewing the Subscription Summary list of customer subscriptions, the load time and responsiveness have been improved. 

Support for Salesforce Enhanced Domains

The PeakCommerce CRM integration will be able to support Salesforce's enhanced domains for sandbox and production environments with a seamless transition. The only thing that will need to be updated in PeakCommerce for the enhanced domain is the CRM Integration endpoint. 

Increased Salesforce Error Notifications

The Notifications that can be configured in Company Settings to alert designated PeakCommerce admins of certain errors within the platform will now include notifications for failure to create a Case. 

Pay by PO

PeakCommerce's existing Pay by PO feature has been built upon to support a custom PO Number field at more object levels in Zuora. After being configured, a PO Number and PO Name entered during any checkout flow will be written to Zuora at the Account, Subscription, Rate Plan Charge, Amendment, or Order level. 

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Dynamic Table Sizing

Improvements have been made so that rows within the User table and Customer Account table in PeakCommerce will fit within the table's borders, regardless of screen size or zoom.

Additional Support for Discounts

Discount Rate Plans can be used for PeakCommerce products. If using a PeakCommerce "Bundle" product type, one can override discount amounts or discount percentages with new values for subscriptions created via that segment. 

User Export

Newer User Information fields such as Company, Status, Identity Provider, and Last Login Date have been added to the User Export report. 

Bug Fixes

Draft Invoices

When managing subscriptions in the PeakCommerce self-service hubs, an invoice will only be generated for the subscription that is being modified. It will not touch other subscriptions with future-dated amendments that have yet to be invoiced. 

Error Amending New Subscription

We have fixed the ability to amend a subscription that has not been invoiced yet, without requiring a payment method. 

Sum of Charges

If configuring a PeakCommerce bundled product of multiple rate plans, one can choose the Price Options "Bundled Price" or "Sum of Charges." If utilizing Sum of Charges, prices from the billing system will be locked down, but not wiped out. One can seamlessly switch between the Sum of Charges and Bundled Price options. 

Deleting Templates

The newest template types did not provide the option to delete. Now Invoice History, Payment History, Refund History, and Account Contact templates can be deleted. 

Subscriptions View by Product Name

We have fixed the ability to show the My Subscriptions page with Product Name Display Level set to PRODUCT_NAME in the Company Settings. This was previously causing an error when updating subscriptions from this page.