Account and Subscription Summary Reports


When signed in as a Partner Account Executive or an Account Executive, the account summary and subscription summary offer a real-time depiction of client accounts and associated subscriptions, respectively.

Account Summary

The account summary provides an up-to-the-minute overview of client accounts, showcasing the following details:

  • Account Number

  • Name

  • Parent

  • Email Address

  • Work Phone

  • Last Invoice Date

  • Account Balance

  • Credit Balance

Subscription Summary

The subscription summary furnishes a real-time display of all subscriptions linked with client accounts. Key fields available in this summary include:

  • Name

  • Account Number

  • Subscription Owner

  • Invoice Owner

  • Current Term

  • Term Start Date

  • Renewal Date

  • User Count

  • Total Contract Value (TCV)

Advanced Search

Filters can be employed to refine the results for both customer accounts and subscriptions.

Export Summaries

Users now have the capability to export these summaries directly from the Peak portal. Exporting can be done in either Excel or CSV format, with two export options available for each:

  1. Export View: This option allows users to filter the summary and export only pertinent records based on selected filters such as name, renewal date, account balance, etc.

  2. Export All: Choosing this option includes every account and subscription of that partner or account executive, even if spanning multiple pages.

To initiate the export process, navigate to the Customer Accounts page and locate the Actions button. Upon clicking, a dropdown menu with two options—Export Excel and Export CSV—will appear. Hovering over these options reveals two additional selections for each: View and All. Selecting the desired export format will initiate the download of the Excel or CSV file to the user's computer.